Collect Earth Online is a free, open-source system for viewing and interpreting high-resolution satellite imagery. It enables users to efficiently collect up-to-date information about their environment and observe changes over time.
Organizations around the world use CEO to detect deforestation, forest degradation, and other changes in the landscape. This data empowers users to implement policies to protect the landscape, mitigate climate change, and promote sustainable livelihoods.
CEO was developed by SERVIR—a joint initiative of NASA and USAID, working in partnership with leading technical organizations around the world—and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
With CEO you can create a project customized to fit your needs. Choose your area of interest and sampling design, and decide what questions you will ask.
Collect data about land cover, land use, and more. Our intuitive data-collection interface makes it easy to collect standardized information about each plot.
Work with members of your organization or with community scientists from around the world. Join an institution or start your own and invite collaborators.
Use satellite imagery provided by CEO or connect your own imagery from sources including WMS/WTMS, XYZ tiles, and Google Earth Engine.
Use CEO to create sample-based area estimates for REDD+ and other programs. Collect standardized information for each plot to achieve your accuracy goals.
CEO’s degradation widget pairs time-series graphs with satellite imagery in order to detect precisely when forest degradation and deforestation events occurred.
The Geo-Dash aids interpretation by providing an easy way to create time-series graphs of key indicators for each plot.
Multiple privacy settings allow you to choose who can view your imagery and collect data for your projects.
Collect Earth Online was created not for profit but for the public good. The software is open source and freely available to all. The codebase is shared through FAO’s OpenForis initiative, which promotes flexible and efficient data collection, analysis, and reporting. In the past, countries needed to pay for access to satellite imagery, specialized software, and computer hardware—as well as for hiring staff members with specialized training.
CEO removes these barriers. The full functionality of this free software is implemented online, so there is no need for desktop installation. The easy-to-use interface allows collaborative data collection by everyone, regardless of technical expertise. That’s why CEO has been embraced by countries around the world as a cost-effective tool.
© Collect Earth Online. All rights reserved.