Protected: Geoversity releases a new course on Collect Earth Online
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Get the latest updates on newly released features, and learn how our customers are using Collect Earth Online to drive environmental goals
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A new Learning Material feature allows project administrators to provide users with quick tips for interpretation, more detailed instructions, and links to external websites and files.
Collect Earth Online supports using your own polygon shapefiles to create random and gridded stratified sampling designs!
Collect Earth Online supports using polygons for delimiting Areas of Interest! Find out how to use your own shapefile as an AOI.
The CEO team has been hard at work solving bugs and adding new features, including updates to imagery and features in the Geo-Dash, a new rule type, and more.
Have you ever wanted to share your CEO data? CEO has now implemented Digital Object Identifiers. You can now share your data with the world.
Did you know that Collect Earth Online (CEO) has many different survey rules to support your data collection efforts? It’s true!
Collect Earth Online announces a new video introducing CEO to the world.
Today, we’re thrilled to announce a new homepage and video tutorials for Collect Earth Online.
The Collect Earth Online (CEO) team is excited to announce the launch of new and improved survey question features that we’ve added to the platform.
The Collect Earth Online (CEO) team announces several new features including automated quality control tools, improvements to plot navigation, and more.
Collect Earth Online is excited to share our Spring 2021 updates, which include additional quality control tools, new imagery sources, and a broad range of backend improvements.
The Collect Earth Online announces updates to make it even easier for you to monitor changes in land use and land cover.
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